Halloween fun for everyone!
Are you ready for a Spook-tacular weekend? Around town this weekend is the most popular for most of the Fall Festivals and Halloween events! We’re hoping to see everyone out in their most fa-BOO-lous costumes at all the festivals this weekend!
For family fun….
Kicking off Friday is Halloween on the Circle! Come to Downtown Sebring from 5-9pm to enjoy Trick-or-Treating at our many wonderful businesses and stay for games, photo opportunities, music, and more! Make sure to stop by and see us right in front of Get Fish Slapped!
Done trick-or-treating on the Circle? Walk down to First Baptist Church Sebring on East Center to enjoy Trunk-or-Treat, inflatables, games, and food! This downtown party will surely be fun for the whole family!
Friday night at sundown, the last weekend of Terror Trail commences. After Friday, Saturday will be your final chance to be Scared To Death! A terrifying stroll through the dark woods meeting your worst nightmares is the perfect way to get in the Halloween spirit.
Saturday, October 26 from 11am-3pm, come down to St. Catherine’s Fall Festival to pumpkin-spice things up! Eat lunch, design a pumpkin, frost a cupcake, enjoy the bounce house, and so much more! For $5 per person, this event is sure to be well worth the money for the incredible amount of family fun!
Faith Baptist of Lake Placid is hosting their Trunk-or-Treat from 4:30-6:30pm! Candy, prizes, snow-cones, popcorn, games, and so much more ensuring the kids and parents all have a good time!
From 6-9pm, Sebring First Assembly is hosting their own Trunk-or-Treat with kid-friendly decorated trunks and hosts ready to fill your child’s candy bag!
Ignite the Night! Avon Park Lakes Baptist Church will be holding a night of free fellowship, fun, and candy! Games like cornhole and a photo booth will make your night one to remember!
Our Lady of Grace is holding their Inaugural Trunk-or-Treat from 6-9pm with lots of candy for the trick-or-treaters!
On Sunday, October 27 from 4-6pm, Avon Park Lakes Baptist Church will be holding their Fall Festival! There will be food trucks providing classic fair foods and lots and lots of candy!!
At 5pm, head down to Lakeshore Mall for Mall-O-Ween! Trick-or-treating throughout the mall is sure to provide a safe, cool environment for kids to get some candy!
Looking for a little more adult-aged fun this weekend?
At 6pm Saturday, come to the Night of the Living Deadlift! Iron Havoc Gym is hosting their Inaugural Halloween Deadlift Party! There will be food, drinks, beer, music, and of course the option to lift! Wear your costume and enjoy this free event that is open to the public!
Boo Bash! Ready to party? At 6:30pm on Saturday, Highlands Little Theatre is promising a spooktacular good time! Contests, games, tricks, and treats will surely be fun for everyone! The $5 tickets are raising money for their youth trip to Florida Theatre Conference auditions!
Also remember, Avon Park trick-or-treating will be Saturday, October 26, from 6-8pm.
Sebring trick-or-treating will be Saturday, October 26, from 6-9pm.
Lake Placid trick-or-treating will be Thursday, October 31, from 6-8pm.
We would love to see your amazing heroes, fun characters, or scary villains! Share your pictures from these events with us using #SRundown! Happy almost Halloween!
Is this for 2024? There is no date on post, so I’m not sure.