Live Music Venues
by James McCoy, Feb 13, 2018
That Rock the Highlands!
In the spirit of full disclosure, I am a huge fan of all things music. Whether it is listening, trying to play or watching shows about it, I am totally into music. Country, rock, hip-hop, trance, EDM, metal, you name it, and you will find it on my playlist. Here in the Highlands, we are fortunate to have a thriving community of deejays and musicians that share their passion with us at a variety of venues. Some play all covers, standards and top 40 while others venture out and mix in the original material. Either way in the words of Russell Hammond, the character from one of my favorite music movies “Almost Famous” when asked what he loved about the music he responds “first off, everything!” Here, here Russell, I am right there with you brother. Here are some places that you can check out some of the county’s most exceptional playing their hearts out so go, make a request, throw something in the tip jar, sit back and enjoy. If you know of a place we did not mention, add it in the comments below.
Bo David’s Restaurant: We have mentioned this Lake Placid favorite before for their great food. They also host bands and live stream them on WWOJ! Check out their Facebook page for details and upcoming events.
Big D’s Garage Bar: If you are looking for more of a Deejay experience, this is your place. Every Friday and Saturday Big D’s brings the boom 9pm-2am. Occasionally there is a cover charge, but they usually offset it with an open bar for a few hours. Call for details (863) 659-1295 or check out their Facebook page.
Cowpoke’s Watering Hole: This Highlands County legend set the standard for live music. You can experience top-notch bands Friday and Saturday nights inside and karaoke, unplugged singles. Duos or deejays under the Tiki hut including our favorite Sunday afternoons. You can check out their line up on Facebook.
Dimitri’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere Bar and Grill: This is more than a restaurant, this is Sebring’s dining and entertainment venue. You can park your car and experience three different dining experiences while enjoying karaoke sing along, one-man bands, deejays or live musicians depending on the time of the day. When was the last time you got to check out live music while waiting to pick up a pizza? Check out their Facebook page for the schedule of performers.
The Wild Turkey Bar and Grill: The Turkey is another historic spot here in the Highlands for cold beer, yummy food, and live music. You can find a variety of musical offerings that include full-on Southern rock bands to acoustic offerings on the deck outside on Sundays. Check out their line up on Facebook or call (863) 452-5284.