SFSC Graduates 21 New Law Enforcement Officers
South Florida State College’s (SFSC) Basic Law Enforcement (BLE) Academy graduated 19 cadets from BLE Class 260, and two cadets from the Crossover Academy Class 357 during a ceremony on Thursday, Dec. 5 in the SFSC University Center Auditorium on the Highlands Campus in Avon Park.
BLE Class 260 graduates who received career certificates were Jeremy Ahrens, Jeremiah C. Camino, Rafael Castaneda, Arianna DeArce Maldonado, Adson M. Delhomme, Misei Esquivel, Courtney Hamilton, Jeremy L. Helms, Donneshia Henricks, Alex S. Kowalski, Abigail D. Lewless, Michael J. Maldonado Boria, Steven A. Parker, Adrian J. Perdue, Jorden B. Reyna, Julio A. Torres, Randoph G. Valdez, Perla Vazquez Martinez, and Marc A. Williams.
Crossover Class 357 graduates receiving their career certificates were Craig Morris and Christopher J. Tullio.
During the ceremony, special awards were presented to the cadets: Courtney Hamilton of BLE Class 260 for top academics and as class leader and Marc A. Williams of BLE Class 260 for top firearms scores.
SFSC’s Basic Law Enforcement career certificate program trains students to become law enforcement officers in Florida. By successfully completing the program, they are eligible to take the state certification examination to become certified law enforcement officers. The program runs 770 contact hours or approximately five months full time or approximately 10 months part time.
The Correction to Law Enforcement (Crossover) career certificate program trains currently employed corrections officers to become law enforcement officers in Florida. Upon successful completion of the program, graduates are eligible to take the state certification examination to become certified law enforcement officers. The program runs 515 contact hours or approximately 10 months part time.
For more information about either of these programs, visit southflorida.edu or call SFSC’s Criminal Justice Academy at 863-784-7285.
Photo: Basic Law Enforcement Class 260 and Cross-over Basic Law Enforcement Class 357:
(front, left) Michael J. Maldondo Boria, Craig Morris, Courtney Hamilton, Jeremiah C. Camino, Jeremy A. Ahrens, Julio A. Torres, Perla Vazquez, Rafael Castaneda, Marc A. Williams, Alex S. Kowalski, Misei Esquivel, Adson M. Delhomme, and Randolph Valdez.
(back, left) Adrian J. Perdue, 2. Steven Parker, 3. Christopher Tullio, Jorden B. Reyna, Donneshia Hendricks, Abigail Lewless, Jeremy Helms, and Arianna DeArce Maldonado